Thursday, November 3, 2011

Breezybot by Brieshon D'Agostini

I know, I know I promised this ages ago!  Its been a crazy couple of weeks over here, lots of shoots, lots of kid stuff and lots of me stuff!!   

Brieshon is a good friend with 3 kids as crazy as mine!  She makes amazing and creative hand-crocheted items, in just about anything you can think of!

I will start you out with the links, because really Brie's work speaks for itself!  


I have quite a few of her items and I can honestly tell you I have a list of things I still want.  Like the Yoda hat, in an adult size for me!  I can not speak highly enough of not only how beautifully made her stuff is but how much my children love their hats, and how much my clients have enjoyed using them.   I had to hide Katie's hat after we got it because it got hot again and she was sweating but insisted on wearing it!!  And the compliments I have gotten on their hats are amazing, I had to have her send me more cards to give people who asked about them!

But here is just a very small sampling of her amazing work!

This was custom made for Katie, a Rainbow Kitty hat

This is Tyler's custom hat, a mohawk hat in bright blue and green

Just because its cute and shows off the back of the hats really well.

And then there is this.  Its mine and its soft and its beautiful and I need to figure out a way to get a picture of it that does it justice because it hasn't worked yet!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Accent Create

Here is the first of my Holiday Shopping Idea blogs.  I wanted to give you all an in road to some other Mommy-owned business I love and use.  Because I know we could all use some more fun idea for Christmas.

The first is Accent Create.  Danielle and I have been friends for a while and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her stuff.  Seriously.  I think I want some of everything she makes.  Plus she is wicked cool and lets me do things like share her booth at the Clayton Harvest Festival!!

She offers both indoor and outdoor vinyl that can be easily applied to any smooth surface such as walls, floors, glass, ceramic tiles, wood and auto.  Really she can make anything!!  She made a good portion of my Christmas presents last year, she has made shirts for me and my kids and my wine glass that she made me makes me happy every time I use it.  I currently want a redneck wine glass, which I didn't take a picture of at the Harvest Festival (crazy!!)

Now not only is her stuff gorgeous but its also affordable!!  Which I know is important to all of you!!  

Here are just a few pictures to give you some ideas of everything she can do!!  If you have any questions email her at  Check out her facebook page and her website for even more ideas!

Katie loves the umbrella!

She made my kids and I shirts for the harvest festival as well as an awesome tablecloth for me!

Awesome Car vinyl!  When we got me a new car it took me forever to peel it off because it stays on so well!

My totally awesome wine glass!  I also have a drink cup with a straw that I adore for my iced coffee!

She also made me and the kids Team Rock Star shirts for my triathalon!  There was nothing like seeing my kids waiting for me at the finish line in these!

And this super cute one especially for Katie's 4th birthday horse party!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The blog slacker strikes again!

Yep months between blog posts again.  I know, I know.  I keep promising to do better and I get distracted.

So much has gone on the last few months, I will do another update post soon!  But a heads up, over the next two months I am going to promote some mommy-run businesses for you all to check out for ideas for the holidays.  These are all businesses I use and love and am sharing them with you because I want to share their awesomeness!

I leave you with this picture of my son.  Hockey season is upon us and we took the kids to the caniac carnival and let them watch the red and white game for the Carolina Hurricanes.  Their first hockey game and Tyler LOVED it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What we have been up to!

Here is the long promised blog about what we have been up to for the last few months.  In addition to all the mini-shoots we have been busy!  And of course we took a ton of pictures along the way!

First we headed to Massachusetts for my sister's bridal shower and then spent the rest of the week and Easter in New York with our families.  My whole family is going to be in the wedding in August so expect to hear more about that!

In April I ran my first 5K at the urging of my son Tyler after a talk we had about being nervous when he plays baseball.  I said I was nervous about doing a race and he made me do it in preparation for the TRIATHALON I did in May.  It was crazy and I still can't believe I did it!  Thanks to my friend Joanne for the pre-race picture of me she took!

We spent most of our spring at the baseball field!  Tyler's team, the Rangers came in second in their coach pitch league and Tyler showed so much improvement this year!  I am so proud of him!
We made some new friends this spring and have had a blast playing with them!

Then my baby turned 7!  I can't believe I am the mom of a 7 year old, unreal!  We took the kids to a mudcats game to celebrate!  I made Tyler a wrestling ring cake to take to school, the kids were all impressed!

Overall our spring has been a ton of fun and more than a little busy!  But we are enjoying spending the time together until school starts again and having fun!  Tyler and Katie are crazy kids, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Now hopefully I am back on track with my blogging!  I have a ton of news about things to come through the holidays so it should keep me on my toes!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mini-Shoot Favorites

I know, I know, Once again I have been a blog slacker!  The last few months have been crazy!  I am hoping to do a blog next week and share the non-studio related stuff that has been going on because of course I have pictures of all of it!!

But for now I thought I would offer up a few of my favorites from each mini-shoot I had this spring!  I had so much fun and can't wait for the fall to do them again!!

Let me know which ones are your favorites!!!